Category: Uncategorized


I have graduated from university now and I am very pleased with the result. Im going to start blogging here now to help keep track of my personal projects as a sort of personal report
I am going to looking at a good distro for a pentium 3 server. I think it might not be quite fileserver material (ide drives) so I might go for a web server to start with. Debian squeeze and Centos 6 come to mind. but maybe gentoo or slackware for the performance.

Lost my powerball cord

I did loose it and now im a sad little bunny. I have been slowly working on Trajectory , just simplifying the codebase and learning a lot more good c++ practice. I have managed to slash memory and cpu requirements even if the differences are not really noticeable on modern machines.  Been a bit of a hectic week but I am trying to stay productive.

A new hope

I hope this is the first post in a long line of new insights into the wacky world of stuff.

ps its a trap!

End of year 2

Its been a busy year, not used this since freshers.

Got one more exam on Saturday , that’s not going to be easy. Got digging into the Minix source code for this one

Freshers week

Fresher week starts tomorrow, although im not a fresher , im looking forward to the stuff going on at fiftyfour. I will be in tommorow to sort out stuff for next week when we get back . I still dont know the room to report to.

Dont be Evil

Google early this morning (GMT) sent a cease and desist letter to the much loved cyanogen who is a android modder and runs his own flavour based currently on donut. Many people think that google is just angry at him giving people donut and their new market app before its released.  Google’s reasoning is that he is distributing their closed sourced apps, gmail, maps, market, talk. This as everyone knows is a pure excuse as cyanogen mod works on the g1 and mytouch3g which will already have those apps and come to think of it , all current android devices have those apps. Why has google closed these anyway if the rest is open source?. I am really disgusted with google and I feel they are losing me as a android user, it seems I picked the wrong mobile linux to use and I am thinking of instead of upgrading to a newer android device from my g1 I will move to Maemo , or maybe LIMO, but I think the Nokia N900 looks great, just a bit expensive.

Everyone please install the save Cyanogen Mod mod app its in the market now.

I thought googles motto was “dont be evil”

peace out

the morning after

Was an epic night last night got to see a lot of people I hadn’t seen in ages it was really night, got to get up now and do stuff and the new version of cyanogen-mod is great I really think we are ready for a stable version of donut now before even HTC get it to any of their phones

traffic management

My mum wanted to have a way to stop my brother playing runescape in the week   so I made this bash script that runs at boot. Just put it in /etc/init.d then update your init Using apt-get is kind of crude maybe be swapping out symlinks would be better.

Day=`date ‘+%u’`
echo “$Day”

if [ “$Day” = “6” ]; then
echo its the weekend
apt-get install -y sun-java6-plugin

if [ “$Day” = “7” ]; then
echo its the weekend
apt-get install -y sun-java6-plugin

if [ “$Day” != “7” ] && [ “$Day” != “6” ]; then
echo its not the weekend
apt-get remove sun-java6-plugin

Late Night

My room is very messy and im busy beavering away, cyanogen is just about to release his so i’m waiting to flash my g1 but im also sorting out a job application.

This late message was given to you by !



PS I miss the HTC camera app. hope it can be in Donut soon

HP Envy

This is one of the first laptops I have actually liked. It looks great and has a metal chassis. I always liked metal laptops and I hate how cheap plastic feels but sadly only apple seem to make them, not that macbook pros are bad they are the only premium laptop to get but I cheaper one around £500 would be nice, but sadly the Hp is around £1000 so I might as well get a £800 macbook pro with more features