Google early this morning (GMT) sent a cease and desist letter to the much loved cyanogen who is a android modder and runs his own flavour based currently on donut. Many people think that google is just angry at him giving people donut and their new market app before its released.  Google’s reasoning is that he is distributing their closed sourced apps, gmail, maps, market, talk. This as everyone knows is a pure excuse as cyanogen mod works on the g1 and mytouch3g which will already have those apps and come to think of it , all current android devices have those apps. Why has google closed these anyway if the rest is open source?. I am really disgusted with google and I feel they are losing me as a android user, it seems I picked the wrong mobile linux to use and I am thinking of instead of upgrading to a newer android device from my g1 I will move to Maemo , or maybe LIMO, but I think the Nokia N900 looks great, just a bit expensive.

Everyone please install the save Cyanogen Mod mod app its in the market now.

I thought googles motto was “dont be evil”

peace out